
Best Foods To Control Diabetes

We all know today that diabetes should not be a life-long sentence. People who suffer from this disease can lead a completely normal life — and they should. A healthy diet becomes very necessary in such a situation; for certain foods positively affect the level of sugar in your blood. Due to the high content of fiber, vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals, certain products should become best friends of people with diabetes.

Here is the list of the most useful foods that can be easily found in any grocery store:


Legumes are another rich source of fiber, as well as protein, and at the same time, they are low in calories and fat. A delicious ingredient too many dishes, they are a great tool for controlling blood sugar that can disturb people with diabetes.


Apples are one of the healthiest foods for many purposes, and improving the state of your blood is one of them. Apple is full of fiber that helps slow down the release of sugar in the blood and controls its general level.


Grapefruit is a big source of vitamin C. Together with other citrus fruit, it is good for diabetes as people who suffer from this disease have a low level of vitamin C and require its antioxidant effect. Low in fat and containing plenty of healthy nutrients, citrus fruit is rightfully considered one of the best foods for diabetes.


Nuts are a wonderful choice for people with diabetes for many reasons. Firstly, they appear more and more proof that nuts help control blood sugar in type 2 diabetes. Secondly, nuts are useful when it comes to fighting heart disease, which is fairly common among people who suffer from diabetes.


Such vegetables as spinach and kale are perfect for fighting the consequences of diabetes, for example, reduction in vision, because they contain lutein that positively affects the state of your eyes. Besides, these greens are rich in iron, calcium, vitamin B, fiber and vitamin C, all of these become of great help to people whose bodies throw all their strength to fight diabetes.



Cinnamon is proven to be another top food for diabetes. Studies have shown that people who consume cinnamon often suffer from blood sugar spikes considerably more rarely than those do who not add this spice to their diet. Besides, cinnamon has another healthy effect, which reduces the chances of heart disease.


People with diabetes often have trouble with satisfying their hunger for something sweet. To avoid unnecessary risks it is better to treat yourself with a serving of berries like raspberries, blueberries or any other kind that suit your individual needs better. They are low in fat, yet high in antioxidants and vitamins, and thus they make a wonderful snack, both delicious and healthy.

The foods listed above can be rightly considered best foods for diabetes because they are rich in healthy elements, and at the same time, they make your ration varied and delicious. Many of them can be consumed both raw and cooked, which fits many preferences.

Still, people with diabetes need to be careful when it comes to their diet. Recommendations are numerous, but it is better to check your personal state, mainly your blood sugar in particular, after introducing certain products to your menu.